We’ve taken the plunge….

into the realm of blogging 😉 We’ve thought about it for awhile but it was always something that was so easy to put off … we kept telling ourselves that we’d do it when things weren’t quite so busy. But for some reason that time just never seems to come. During the holidays 80 hour weeks were the norm… now we’re back down to the regular 60 hour weeks… SOMEDAY we would love to get back to 40 hours. We just can’t figure out how! In these times I guess we should consider it a blessing.

Part of the reason we’re finally getting this blog going is because we’ve changed our website some. Portraits used to be online for viewing & ordering for one month… but we’ve had to change that due to an increase in web hosting costs. We’ve grown so fast that there were just too many portraits online & we were exceeding our storage limits.

So…. many of you are probably saying but seriously I love going in to look at everyone’s portraits! 🙁 You’ll still be able to by visiting this great new blog… we plan to post our favorite pics from each session for all to see. This will be a great opportunity for all to get low res downloads for use on your desktop, digital picture frames, Facebook etc. – which we know many of you have been wanting for a long time!

We’re going to try our best to keep this blog updated regularly… but no promises yet as this is something totally new for us to get used to!